Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Venus Photo Shoot

Here's the setup for the Venus Photoshoot.
Incense was used to create the atmospheric perspective.

Before incense
After incense

Crop & Quick Level Adjustment

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Building Venus' Landscape

This past month went a little slower than expected due to unforeseen circumstances, but progress has been made on Venus nonetheless. I had cut foam pieces to fit inside the tank, and covered them in a layer of plaster so paprika wouldn't fall through the holes. I then spray painted it with a color similar to the paprika so no white would show through (& it was a darker color so it helped give depth to the ground). I also sculpted of clay a mountain range inspired by one of the landscape photos. Over the weekend I built the landscape using foam pieces, paprika, the tank and the clay sculpture. I also did a test run in the tank before building it by burning an incense cone and having poster board as a "lid" to the tank. The one cone put out plenty of smoke, and was successful in creating Venus' fog & haze. I also noticed how fine the silver grey ashes were. I decided to save them, I have a feeling I have use for it for the Mercury series later on.
Anyways I did some test images to make sure I got the shape and look of the landscape right. Tomorrow I'll be setting up lights and taking the photos!
Behind a tank full of smoke simulating atmospheric perspective

first set photo - too perfect

second set photo- roughed up the front a little to give more depth to the photo

Also, my research poster will be at the Texas A&M College of Architecture Research Symposium.
Final Poster