Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Methods

Currently trying a new method where you grid off the original picture and grid the live view feed to get a more accurate picture. So in order to get that done, I downloaded a software called NKRemote so I could use a live feed from my camera, and it also grids off in the rule of thirds for me as well. In order to mach it, I had to take the original photo and grid it in thirds as well.

Here's a screencap of my laptop of what it looked like when I was working (added to text so you can tell which was which). This pic was taken before I started to rework the landscape to match it better.
As of right now, I have two squares (bottom right corner and middle right side) done. It took me a long time to get the big corner rock done, i went through several mud rocks trying to sculpt it but most fell apart in my hands. Unfortunately I do not have an external power for my camera, so my camera died on me in the middle of working on my third square, so currently I'm waiting for it to charge again. Because it died before I could take a pic, I don't have a current in state pic yet.

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