Monday, September 17, 2012

Sketch 3: Slo Mo

After getting feedback, I did some research for microscopes to do video capability. Caffey sent me a link and I did some research. Unfortunately the video quality isn't the best but thats ok. Another issue is that it had bad reviews as well, it cost money and time for shipping. Fortunately I was able to get in contact with Blinn, where I can use their microscopes to do some test footage without having to spend the money. I wasn't able to set up a appointment before this monday, so in the meantime I did some slo motion tests with the T2i.
The first one is steel wool with 60fps interpret to 24fps. The second one is BBs with 60fps interpret to 24fps, then slow down to 50%.

Next in my work is that I hope to find a way to finalize the lighting set up so I can get better quality video, as well as find a way to bring a more poetic meaning to the work. Before I was kind of leaning towards a music piece, but my focus at the moment is find a better method to get better quality and aesthetically pleasing set up for the visuals. Then I came across this artist, Kim Keever.

This reminded me of the suggestion Carol made about doing cellular environments. The direction I want to go next is create enviroments similar to the technique Keever used, but take it in a new direction of possibly doing cellular, or alien-like surreal environment.

Jared also showed me another artist similar to Keever, Mathew Albanese. He uses more household products to create his environments instead of the model sets for trains that Keever used.

1 comment:

  1. Cassie,
    Great references. What if instead of a fantasy scene, you took us on a tour of eco disasters (Chernobyl, Bhopal, 3 Mile Island, BP oil spill....)? Or, link your studies in gender identity to this method...what would that look like?

    Seems the amount of water (or maybe it's oil?) can have an effect on the motion in the scene. Time to visit the fish shop?

